How much money can I get for these old coins?
I was looking through my coin collection and I found several old coins and I have no clue if they’re worth anything. They’re in pretty good condition.
Canadian - 1 cent - 1932
U.S. - 1 penny - 1941
Deutschland (german) - 1 cent - 1950
Deutsche Mark (german) - 1 - 1950
Deutschland (german) - 10 - 1950
Russian - 15 - 1955
Netherlands - 25 cents - 1956
Russian - 10 - 1957
Russian - 5 - 1959 (this one has a hole in it)
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They are not worth much I’m afraid, just like others have suggested above. The Canadian 1932 cent has a mintage of 21,316,190 and is not rare. Value for it is about $1 in average to nice circulated. The US cent is also a common date and although it’s over 65 years old the date is commonly found in dealer’s mixed cents bin for under 10 cents each in average circulated grades. The German 1950 dated 1, 10 pfenning and 1 D.Mark are worth several dollars if in nice circulated with luster, and sell better in Germany. The Russian 15, 10 and 5 coins are kopeks, and they too are common because the Soviet Union, the former name for CIS Russia, was a big country and mintages for coins were extremely high. Other than belonging to the Cold War period and generating some interest from it, the Soviet coins are worth little in the numismatic market and dealers sell them for max 10 cents each in coins bin. The same goes for the Dutch coin. In general, world coins struck in common metals are not worth much, even some dated as early as the 1900s are being sold under a dollar. The ones carrying long-term collector values have to be at least made of silver.
You’re going to have trouble fetching any sort of value unless they are from before 1930 and in mint condition.
Not too much, I’m afraid.
Some coin shops sell foreign coins in bulk, by weight or about .15 cents apiece. Unless they happen to be silver.
Even then, not much more.
Not much.
Better to keep them just for the interest.
not much! =[ lol