I have a 1867-1967 canadian goose dollar coin how much is it worth now.?
On the front it says "Elizabeth II. D.G.Regina
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The inscription is abbreviated Latin for "Elizabeth the Second, Queen by the grace of God". How much it is worth depends on the condition of the coin, that is, how bright it is, how many scratches, how much wear, etc.
The value has to do with demand for that coin, what it is made of, and many other factors. None of those determinations can be made without a coin collector giving it a hands-on examination. Best bet is to find a coin shop and check with them.
They trend for $5 in grade very fine up to $15 in mint state-63. A trends price is an average of about what a coin sells for. Dealers pay 40 to 50 % less. There is a rare varieity that is called flat fields, the best way to tell it, is it has very large beads aroud the rim. See if someone or the local library or coin club has a copy of Coins of Canada by Haxby or maybe one by Calrton. they show both types. As i said the coin is rare most were melted. hope this answers your question.