I have an ABNORMAL 1957 quarter. What is it, or how can I find out, and is it worth anything?

It sounds distinctly different than other quarters, and any other coins for that matter, because I knew it was different as I jingled some changed in my hand. I singled out this 1957 quarter and found that it is also the color silver all around the edge, rather than having that brown tone quarters normally have.
It may seem weird for me to say it "sounds different", but I was with a friend, and he agreed, when it hits other normal coins, it makes a distinct sound.

Other differences: It seems subjectively lighter or whiter than a handful of other quarters on the Washington side. And, on the eagle side it has yellowish and reddish, see-through colors, this seems to be random and probably not originally there.

So my first thought was counterfeit. Any other ideas? I’m hoping it’s silver…

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