I have found a Canadian coin that I can’t identify?

I have found a Canadian coin that i have not been able to identify. I hope that someone can help. I’m pretty sure its not a common coin, though I may be terribly mistaken. Please try and help me identify it.

Obverse- What first struck me as odd about it was the date at the bottom: 1867-1992. This was beneath a picture of Queen Elizabeth II. The dates don’t make sense. The queen is wearing an interesting crown with flowers. It also says D. G. Regina.

Reverse- The other side has a picture of what looks like three tourists with a Canadian flag on Parliment Hill in Ottowa. It says Canadian Dollar on this side.

Coin in General- Both sides of the coin have small dots bordering the edge of the coin. The sides are practically round.

Please help me if you know what coin I am talking about!
I forgot to add that is is golden colored.

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