In North America, could an NFL franchise survive outside the US?
The Bills have signed to play eight games in five years at the Jolly Roger Centre (and I offer that nickname to Chris Berman, free of charge) in Toronto…there seems to be a lot of fear that this is the equivalent of living together before marriage.
However, the Southern Ontario market is based on service and exports which are drying up thanks to the recent surge in value of the Canuck buck. As well were said buck to drop in value again, the Bills would be playing catch up simply on currency exchange (see issues with NHL teams in Canada). Realistically, currency issues would affect any other city whether Canadian or Mexican.
I will admit that, with the economy of the oil sands involved, I could see a team based in either Calgary or Edmonton working…but even there is a stretch.
With large US markets open in Los Angeles, San Antonio, and Sacramento…are Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary or any Mexican city really ready to host NFL franchises?
To Celtic Fan…Canadians and Mexicans are not really a "new group of people to the NFL". We’re not talking about taking the game to the far reaches of the Australian Outback or anything like that…
great question, and yes they could thrive in canada.However I dont know how many guys would want to play in canada.
That will feel weird to many US fans, but could be good long term for the NFL….
That’s an interesting question but i think that would be awesome seeing other NFL teams out of the U.S.
Not really because the game is complicated and you are going to teach it to a whole new people? Thats going to be hard.
I still can’t believe it’s been 13 years since LA had a team! I lived in San Antonio for a short while and they could certainly support one. You would think those two would have to come first, but this is the NFL. Whatever city shows up with the biggest wallet will get the next expansion/moving team.
there are cities in canada that are more south than buffalo, not sure about seattle, i need a map. so, yes it is possible.
LA will not get a team unless they get more latino players, i doubt they will take to us football too much, LA cant get a team because 60% of the city are immigrants from latin america and the rest are transplants that like their home town teams in chacago or new york and are just out here to make a buck.
Out of all the international cities for immediate consideration, Toronto is the only one that could adequately support a NFL franchise. Mostly due to they already have 3 of the big 4, MLB NBA & NHL, and obviously their large metro area population, also close proxemity to other NFL cities. I would love the see the NFL expand to multiple international cities. Expansion = LA then Toronto (even before other US cities… IMO)
Well, Canada have Canadian football and it is doing good up there. Anyway, I don’t think those CFL people will be too happy to see NFL invade Canada, so I think they will do anything to prevent NFL expansion up there..
Mexico City is one of the most populated cities in the world, so I could see football doing well there.
Calgary I could see doing well with a football team, but then again they already have the CFL so I am not sure.