Is it bad of me to make and give away extra coupons?
I’ve had a bad habit ever since a chain operation craft store refused to give me a coupon when i had forgotten mine. They are militant about not giving coupons to customers even when they recognize them as frequent shoppers (that would be me).
I have an online subscription to their newsletter and when they send me a coupon I print at least three - then I give them out to people in the store who don’t have one. Its a good exercise for me because I am not at all a social person.
But am I cheating the store?
I also give away my grocery store discount coins because I never use them, but I am not running a counterfeiting operation for those!
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You aren’t cheating the store, because it’s their coupon.
When I go to the market, I have a handful of coupons that I don’t use. I’ll put them on the shelf with the item and hope that someone will use it.
That little act makes me feel pretty good!
Everyone does this…
The companies expect you to print more than one and share it. Otherwise they would make it impossible to print more than one, or to xerox it, or they would even put a one time pin code on it so once it was used it couldn’t be used again. But they don’t do that & for a good reason. They know you will share your coupons and it will bring them more customers. Selling goods at a discounted or couponed price still brings in more money than not selling things at all. And there are many studies that show that the average shopper will actually buy more if they have a coupon than if they did not. So, in reality, you are doing the store a favor.
Well think of it this way. You might be preventing them from drinking 1 sip of expensive bubbly whiel on the Corp. Jet. The ones that own the store make so much bloody money that this will not hurt them. Often it helps them as those people might buy something new or "try something" that they would not normally buy and thus buy more or become a regular shopper there. I get some like it in the email and I forward them to several friends so that they can save when they go shopping. Our local Jo Ann is pretty good about having coupons if we fogot ours, unless its a special email one they dont have in the store. Its funny as one of the ladies in there is the one that I sometimes do special hemming and mods on my boys clothes if I cant do it. Its wierd, some sleepers just dont want to stitch right on my machine, and then I can put the snaps or velcroe in them for my boys.
I think what you are doing is great and in today economy its very nice too. I am a coupon shopper, as we live check to check and it helps to stretch the budget and the boys have learned it as well. They know that I check the closeout racks at the stores and if they see a cool toy (normally legos) on closeout they have a shot at getting it.
Thanks for helpig everyone else stretch their dollar a tad farther.
Have a great one
I understand your frustration over this. It’s maddening to go to a store to buy something and discover it’s on sale-but only if you have their card or remember to bring in the coupon (which I forget most of the time as I never know when I might just pop in the store!). I generally just don’t buy the item. It’s my little protest to the unfairness I feel. They could give me the coupon in the store and get the sale (plus probably I’d end up buying a few other things!), or lose the entire purchase when I leave due to the "restricted" sale price. It’s pretty simple!
So I applaud you giving away the coupons in the store! It’s a great idea, and if I could remember to bring even ONE coupon with me I’d try to do the same as you! I do remember in the past leaving a coupon on the shelf near a product when I knew I wasn’t going to use it and hoped someone else who was buying it would pick it up. Don’t know if they did!
I am the moderator of a decorative painting forum and people post their craft store coupons there all the time for others to use. The stores should be glad, as it gets those who love to buy supplies in their stores! Now, if the coupons say on them not to print multiples, that might be different, because I wouldn’t want someone to be embarassed to take a coupon to the cash register and find out it was void as someone else had already used it! Now that would be embarrassing!
I also like that you realize it’s a good social thing for you to do, also! Great idea!
Keep fighting the good fight! You go, girl!!
Stores provide coupons in order to get shoppers to come into the store. By bringing in extra for people to use who are already in the store is, well, not nice. Remember, any store needs to turn a profit or they have to close. If people who would have paid a higher final price are given price cuts through your coupon, aren’t you in effect raising your own prices? The store has to make money somewhere. If they are giving away more money than they expect through their coupons then they have to raise prices somewhere else.