Is it legal to stand in NYC with 4 pets on a cold day asking for money, using your pets as bait?

I was just walking on 44th and 6th ave, and there is a man asking for money with 2 cats and 2 dogs! These animals look like they are in good shape, and 3 out of 4 of them had a sweater on, but they were still cold! There was even a dog without anything on! Is it legal for this man to be using these animals as bait?

I had some coins in my pocket from Canada, and I told him these are Canadian coins is that ok? and he said yes.. a few minutes later, i walked by again, and I saw him picking coins out of the bucket and throwing them in the street! I was so angry. I walked by and said "did someone throw fake coins in or something?" and he goes "no someone threw in foreign coins!". i said it was me, and i thought he said it was he said "oh thanks anyway i appreciate it". i asked him what the money was for and he sort of mumbled something I didn’t completely hear.

Anyway, I got a very bad impression from this man and think this is disgusting.
it wasn’t freezing, but the animals were dog had nothing on him.

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