Pretty Hard Math Questions…some Algebraic?

I have some pretty hard Algebraic questions due tomorrow ;[ And I’ve already done the ones that I could do…does anybody think they can think of an equation that would solve these questions?

1. A bag of 3 apples, 7 oranges, and 11 pears costs .04, while a bag of 2 apples, 5 oranges, and 8 pears costs .31. What is the cost of a bag of fruit consisting of 1 apple, 1 orange, and 1 pear?

2.The king took a cup filled with pure juice and drank 1/5 of its contents. When the king looked away, the court jester refilled the cup by adding water and then stirring. The king drank 1/4 of that mixture. When the king looked away again, the jester refilled the cup with more water and then stirred. Then the king drank 1.3 of the mixture. When the king looked away again, the jester refilled the cup with more water. What percentage of the final mixture was water?

3. Five counterfeit coins are mixed with nine authentic coins. If 2 coins are drawn at random, what is the probability that one coin is authentic and one is counterfeit?

4. What is the maximum number of points of intersection can be obtained when two circles and five lines intersect each other?

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