Should Americans have a $1 coin and $2 coin like us Canadians-and get rid of the $1 & $2 Bill?
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Yes because $1 is of such small value that it makes sense to have it as a coin, it would make it easier for machines etc cos the bills must go around so much the machines would reject them whereas coins have little if any trouble taking to machines.
Yeah..its such a small value!
No. We are fine the way we are. Maybe you should go back to paper dollars.
We do have a $1 coin already. There’s no point in getting rid of the bills since there’s already so many of them out there.
Yes, but keep the bills
what’s the point you’ll still have to break it to make change
Most people I know, myself included, dont even use cash anymore, everywhere takes debit card.
i think the bills are better than the coins because they are easier to keep track of.
No. If the rest of America is like me, I’m constantly losing coins.
No, we would have nothing to put on the g-string of hookers then.
we do have a one dollar coin the gold dollar and also a silver dollar but the two dollar coin would be cool also.. we got a two dollar bill but they are not easy to find the quit making them in the 70s or late 80s
Here in Australia we have $1 and $2 coins, too. Saves on paper, saves the trees. But we have to mine for iron ore and that depletes the earth of resources to make coins, too. So they’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
George Washington on a coin? Not too many Americans would support your idea, but I would.
No, and I’m a Canadian. I hate all that heavy change..Toonies,Loonies.. duhh.. that’s should be my next question.. Who named them that?
Yes-and we should name them Loonies and Twonies! Canada rocks, the US could learn a thing or two from them…
they call them LOONIES for a reason yanno..
When I was in Canada I kinda wished they had paper $1 and $2 because I had a pocket full of coins at the end of the day and it was heavy!
No. We already have the dollar coins and they are a total bother to carry plus the added factor that some idiot dreamt up the idea to make them about the same size as our quarters. They have already talked about getting rid of our penny coins too. I don’t know if we even have the $2 bills any more as they were of no great use either.
I myself don’t like to carry coins in my pocket. Sound like an Ice Cream Truck once you get a few in your pocket when you walk. One other thing is that it takes a woman a half hour to dig change out of her purse at a check-out lane in a store.
The reason the coins were introduced in the first place was to save the government money in printing. Paper costs a lot to print and keep in circulation.
No, definately not. It costs way to much in Canada now to slip a bill in a strippers g-string