should i declare pornography on my laptop computer if im going to korea? just regular fun American hardcore.?
this is what it says on the korean customs form
If you have nothing to declare, an oral declaration will be enough to complete Customs procedures. If you have to make a declaration, please fill out a Customs declaration form for your prompt clearance.
Articles beyond tax-free limitation(dutiable items)
Articles for sale in Korea
Foreign Currency or other Monetary instrument valued more than US ,000
Restricted Articles
Guns, Firearms, Knives and explosives
Drugs(Narcotics and Psychotropic substance)
Quarantine required goods(Food, Animal material, Plant Material, etc.)
Articles controlled by CITES convention
Prohibited Articles
Books, publications, drawings and paintings, films, phonographic materials, video work and other items of similar nature that may either disturb the constitutional order or be harmful to public security or traditional custom
Goods which may reveal confidential information on the government or which may be used for intelligence activities
Coins, currency, bank notes, debenture and/or other negotiable instrument counterfeited, forged or imitated
just wondering what other people have done when they’ve travelled internationally? i want to bring my laptop but dont want to delete my porn
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I’m an American and have been in and out of Korea a thousand times. I’ve NEVER been searched. They’re really not interested in your laptop so don’t even bother mentioning it.
You might want to offload it to DVDs or something and delete it from your hard drive until you get back.
Some countries are weird about porn, I mean, weirder than here in the United States of Jesusland.
Plus it could just be embarrassing if they want to seize your laptop and find that.
No, don’t declare that. They’re not going to search your laptop for it.
Technically it could be searched, but most likely it won’t be. American-style porn is illegal here in Korea so just don’t mention it.
Dude, if you’ve saved porn to your hard drive itself. you’ve already failed miserably at OPSEC.