Do americans still use $1 bills?
I’m Canadian and i haven’t really been to the U.S much. But i’m wondering since in Canada we use Loonies for . But i’m wondering do Americans still use bills instead of coins?… Continue reading
Categories: Canadian Coins Tags: Canada, Coins, loonies
In canada isnt it difficult to chashier because of the two extra coin values?!?!?
Im a chashier in washington and I was thinking about since canadians use loonies and toonies for one dollar and two dollar values… isnt that annoying to manage at the register?
100 "one dollar" coins VS 100 "one dollar" bills?
Doest anyone else see what i mean?
rofl. I might get a job in canada because im goin there for college and im wondering how different its… Continue reading
Categories: Canadian Coins Tags: Canada, Canadian Money, canadians, chashier, Coins, Dollar Values, Job, loonies, toonies
In canada isnt it difficult to chashier because of the two extra coin values?!?!?
Im a chashier in washington and I was thinking about since canadians use loonies and toonies for one dollar and two dollar values… isnt that annoying to manage at the register?
100 "one dollar" coins VS 100 "one dollar" bills?
Doest anyone else see what i mean?
rofl. I might get a job in canada because im goin there for college and im wondering how different… Continue reading
Categories: Canadian Coins Tags: Canada, Canadian Money, canadians, chashier, Dollar Coins, dollar store, Dollar Values, Job, loonies, toonies
I have a question for Americans about money?
Not to sound ignorant or stupid (at least no more stupid than the people who ask me if I speak Canadian, or the people who ask what it’s like to live in an igloo), but I was just wondering, in the US do you have:
pennies ({content}.01 coins)?
nickles ({content}.05 coins)?
dimes ({content}.10 coins)?
quarters ({content}.25 coins)?
Loonies ( coins)?
Toonies ( coins)?
And if not, what do you call… Continue reading
How do I sue a Canadian?
Long story short. I work at a mall near the Canadian border. Canadians are always trying to use Canadian money to pay. We take Canadian bills, not the coins ("loonies" and "toonies"). Guy comes up to pay, says "Can I pay in Canadian change?". I tell him no and he asks why. I said because it’s a state law. He became angry and demanded that he be able to pay… Continue reading
Categories: Canadian Coins Tags: authorities, Canadian Bills, Canadian Money, canadians, Coins, first aid, harassment, homeland security, license plate number, loonies, ontario license plate, state police
Why do Americans prefer paper currency over dollar coins?
How were the Canadian citizens able to adapt so well? The loonies and toonies are very popular.… Continue reading
Categories: Canadian Coins Tags: canadian citizens, loonies, toonies
americans: is canadian currency accepted where you live?
in northern minnesota i used to see canadian coins all the time. loonies and two-nies and quarters were taken and given as change and legal tender. maybe it’s not legal, but it was the norm.
here in the south (elizabeth city, NC), i have only seen one canadian coin in the last six months or so… and it was treated like it had the plague. maybe i could sneak… Continue reading
Categories: Canadian Coins Tags: buffalo canadian exchange, buffalo toll booth and canadian currency, canadian border, Canadian Coin, Canadian Coins, Canadian Currency, Canadian Penny, do americans accept canadian change at tolls, does buffalo except canadian dollar at par, elizabeth city nc, joke, legal tender, loonie, loonies, nies, norm, northern minnesota, plague, Quarters, six months, where to exchange canadian coins in mn