Watch Out Coin Auctions Can Leave you Broke and Counting your Pennies
For those of you who think that auctions are only for collecting antiques¸ I can assure you you’d be much mistaken. An auction is a great place for the coin collector to get some good coins, and coin collections.
There are also a number of rare coins which you can get your hands on if you’re so inclined, have the money, and most of all aren’t out-bidded by another rare coin collector. Rare coins though aren’t the only type of coins you’ll find at coin auctions.
You can also get your hands on coin sets as well as other type of world coins, and you’ll find that you’re privy to larger selection of coins than normal. Besides which, you also get the chance to examine them first.
Although coin auctions are a great place to find all the rare coins you need, if you are a first time buyer or this is your first time going coin auctions, then you might find yourself intimidated by the whole process.
When you’re just starting off though it might be a good thing for you to just go and scout out one or two coin auctions first before you do any serious bidding. This holds especially true if you’re as yet unable to establish for yourself whether the coin you’re bidding for is genuine.
Of course it might be certified and graded so that you feel comfortable enough to bid for it, in which case go ahead and get your feet wet. You’re still new enough to the game that you don’t need to sweat the small initial stuff.
On the other hand, if you want to get right into it from the word “Go!” you might want to look at getting an agent to handle your bids for you. You will of course need to pay them a fee, but it might be well worth it in the end.
Make sure that you look around first and get an agent whom you’re comfortable with. It’s no use going into it if you don’t trust your agent to look after your best interests.
If on the other hand, you do want to start right from the get-go, but you don’t want to go to an agent because you want to experience the pleasure and thrill of it for yourself, don’t worry. Start methodically and work your way up.
So first things first, you need to do some research first before you do anything else. Find out where the auctions are being held, find out what’s up for grabs, then do your research to find out if it’s anything you need or want, and whether you can conceivably afford it.
Since coin auctions aren’t necessarily held in one place, and since the world is a large place, you might have to do a bit of travel to get to these coin auctions. The really large ones can come later though. In the beginning I’d suggest just sticking to one or two that are close to home and which you can get to with a minimum of hassle.
If the coin auctions bug strikes you though I have to say that it’s very hard to resist the lure of the auctioneer’s gavel, and the quick breathless beating of your heart as you raise your hand or your card, and bid on a coin.
Watch out though, a combination of coin auctions and the coin bug can leave you broke and counting your pennies, and not in a coin collecting, hobby kind of way either but in all aspects of life.
There are also a number of rare coins which you can get your hands on if you’re so inclined, have the money, and most of all aren’t out-bidded by another rare coin collector. Rare coins though aren’t the only type of coins you’ll find at coin auctions.
You can also get your hands on coin sets as well as other type of world coins, and you’ll find that you’re privy to larger selection of coins than normal. Besides which, you also get the chance to examine them first.
Although coin auctions are a great place to find all the rare coins you need, if you are a first time buyer or this is your first time going coin auctions, then you might find yourself intimidated by the whole process.
When you’re just starting off though it might be a good thing for you to just go and scout out one or two coin auctions first before you do any serious bidding. This holds especially true if you’re as yet unable to establish for yourself whether the coin you’re bidding for is genuine.
Of course it might be certified and graded so that you feel comfortable enough to bid for it, in which case go ahead and get your feet wet. You’re still new enough to the game that you don’t need to sweat the small initial stuff.
On the other hand, if you want to get right into it from the word “Go!” you might want to look at getting an agent to handle your bids for you. You will of course need to pay them a fee, but it might be well worth it in the end.
Make sure that you look around first and get an agent whom you’re comfortable with. It’s no use going into it if you don’t trust your agent to look after your best interests.
If on the other hand, you do want to start right from the get-go, but you don’t want to go to an agent because you want to experience the pleasure and thrill of it for yourself, don’t worry. Start methodically and work your way up.
So first things first, you need to do some research first before you do anything else. Find out where the auctions are being held, find out what’s up for grabs, then do your research to find out if it’s anything you need or want, and whether you can conceivably afford it.
Since coin auctions aren’t necessarily held in one place, and since the world is a large place, you might have to do a bit of travel to get to these coin auctions. The really large ones can come later though. In the beginning I’d suggest just sticking to one or two that are close to home and which you can get to with a minimum of hassle.
If the coin auctions bug strikes you though I have to say that it’s very hard to resist the lure of the auctioneer’s gavel, and the quick breathless beating of your heart as you raise your hand or your card, and bid on a coin.
Watch out though, a combination of coin auctions and the coin bug can leave you broke and counting your pennies, and not in a coin collecting, hobby kind of way either but in all aspects of life.
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