What are the values for thease coins???
Well, I’ve got a lot of coins, and was wondering what they were worth. Hear are all the ones with possible value….
-1972 canadian 50cents excelent condition in protecter
-1985 canadian silver dollar excelent condition in protector
-1986 canadian silver dollar gr8 condition in protector
-Vince Damphousse & Alexander Mougilny hockey greats colection (limited condition) excelent condition
-1971 canadian 50cent good condition & square edges
-2002 australian50cent excelent condition with windmill on it
-1992 republique francaise 10cent gold & excelent condition
-1962 dei-gratia-regina 1shilling good condition
-1971 france 1franc excelent condition
-1920 (idk the country) 1/2somthing, ok condition
-1961 dei-gratia-regina half penny great condition
-2004 canadian remember coin
-limited edition 2000 coin in original box better then excelent condition
-1941-1941 1945-1947 1951-19531955-1957 1959 all 1964 exc. 65 &1970-2006 all in excelent condition
-all 1999 & 2000 colecter 25c
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This isn’t a math question.
It seems like most of your coins are Canadian. You might visit the Web site of the Canadian Numismatics Association http://www.canadian-numismatic.org/index.php and ask what guide is preferred for establishing collection values. You might be able to get a copy of that book at your local library.
Ultimately, you will have to have your collection appraised, because there are all sorts of things that can affect coin value, besides rarity, including condition, errors, mint marks, etc.
That’s a lot of coins to check for values, so here’s the best I can do:
- 1985 and 1986 Canadian silver dollars in original capsule is worth about $9 to $10.
- the Vince Damphousse & Alexander Mogilny hockey greats collection is composed of gold-plated medallions. It’s worth what someone(a sports memorabilia collectors most probably) is willing to pay for it.
- 1920 (idk the country)… if it says "Confoederatio Helvetica", then it’s a silver Switzerland 1/2 franc. If so, then it’s valued at about $1.50 to $2 in average circulated. Else if other types then less than $1.
- the collection of 2000 coins is neat, but if the coins have been circulated, then it’s not gonna be worth much. Just a little premium over the total single coin values for the effort to compile the collection. The Canadian coins from 1940s or 50s, if they’re silver, are valued at bullion if not in near mint condition.
- the other coins not evaluated here are worth their face values, or less than $1. Most circulated world coins are being offered by coin dealers for a flat $0.25 in mixed coins bin. They are called ‘junk coins’. Some modern coins, like the Australian coin and Canadian quarters you listed can still be circulated. They are called ‘circulating commemoratives’, and therefore produced in big quantities.
If you need specific value of a coin, then I suggest you pay a visit to your local library and locate a big book called "Standard Catalog of World Coins". good luck.