What are the values for thease coins???

Well, I’ve got a lot of coins, and was wondering what they were worth. Hear are all the ones with possible value….
-1972 canadian 50cents excelent condition in protecter
-1985 canadian silver dollar excelent condition in protector
-1986 canadian silver dollar gr8 condition in protector
-Vince Damphousse & Alexander Mougilny hockey greats colection (limited condition) excelent condition
-1971 canadian 50cent good condition & square edges
-2002 australian50cent excelent condition with windmill on it
-1992 republique francaise 10cent gold & excelent condition
-1962 dei-gratia-regina 1shilling good condition
-1971 france 1franc excelent condition
-1920 (idk the country) 1/2somthing, ok condition
-1961 dei-gratia-regina half penny great condition
-2004 canadian remember coin
-limited edition 2000 coin in original box better then excelent condition
-1941-1941 1945-1947 1951-19531955-1957 1959 all 1964 exc. 65 &1970-2006 all in excelent condition
-all 1999 & 2000 colecter 25c

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