What is it worth?
I get so burned up when someone is dumb enougn to be asking that I just copied this from another answer. Make copies and answer these clowns who ask with it!! How much is __________ worth? I am not being a smart ass; I am trying to make a point. You cannot get appraisal by looking anything up in a book or web site. If you want an estimate of whatever it, you own Goggle it and look-up the stamp, coin, etc.
A friend of mine recently took as payment for valuable property an 1840 and 1871 Seating Liberty silver dollar. He asked a friend who looked them up on the net. After giving the indiviual the plasma television, he then rushed to the coin store to sale them. Too bad, they were counterfeit!
My mother bless her soul thought a 1960 Barbie was worth money. Which it would if it had not been played with, was in the original carton. Are you starting to see where I am going?
What I am trying to pleasantly trying to tell you is do not waste your time or the answerers here on Yahoo, take whatever it is you are questioning the worth to a professional and get an estimate. Trust me you will not get your hopes up only to be crushed, or ripped off by someone.
Hey, that is my idea and letter I want a commission off every one we save. Good luck, I get so depressed when I see the spelling and questions and GOD FOR BID answers I want to go hide. Take care. God Bless You and Our Southern People.
Sound advice. Even the best appraisers can’t give an evaluation when they’re wearing a blindfold, and as Yahoo Answerers are not able to view the objects in question, they can’t be expected to give evaluations.
You are absolutely correct. I have some RS Prussia china that I have looked up on the net but I don’t consider it a real appraisal.
the value of an item is only what someone is willing to pay,programmes like the antique roadshow are of very little consequence when it comes to selling,that is why an auction price is the real value of anything.
I couldn’t have put it much better than you did. So I’ll just expound a little.
An item that has a book value of say $100 may only bring $30 or $40 at auction even if it’s in pristine condition. Book values are meaningless and should only be used as a guide. Most books on collectibles are written by collectors. What does that tell you when it comes to looking at the values they put on things? Some books are better in that they use the latest auction prices of the items listed but they also use the highest prices paid. I’ve seen items sell at auction that I couldn’t re-sell for half of what they brought. I’ve sold items at auction that weren’t worth half of what they brought too. Also some items are fads and their value gets greatly inflated while the fad is going on. After the bubble bursts the prices plummet and a lot of people get stuck with stuff they paid way to much for and will never get their money back out of. Beanie Babies come to mind as does Fire King coffee cups.
Some one else already said this but it’s worth repeating. "An item is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it."
Finally - Your Mom’s 1960 Barbie is worth something but only a mere fraction of what it would be worth if it was new in it’s original box.