Why does England and the Commonwealth still need a queen?
Queen Elizabeth barely does anything anymore, the British government governs everything now and yet she’s on the Canadian currency. All the royal family does now is gouge our pockets, party all night long, play polo and wear swastika armbands.
I’m Canadian not English.
Incoming Searches:
- how do the queen of english get there money
- article does england still need a queen
- Commonwealth of Nations still needed?
- dale griep
- why does england need a royal family
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they should get cut off the money and go get real jobs
They’re wearing swastikas? Please drown them immediately in the channel! With lead shoes!
its ceremonial. Its tradition and generates tourism and also the Commonwealth was founded in colonial and imperialist traditions. We dont need a queen but shes part of the colonial heritage
so the American tourist have somewhere to go and look at something we ain’t got…get it??
They don’t really need a Queen, they just want one and like having one. We don’t really need a staute for liberty, but, we have one.
It so their country looks dignified and what not. I don’t see the point in them having one either. The British government probably doesn’t want to deal with them also. But they just want to avoid a big fight and just let them be.
I Guess they need someone to look up to with their enormous spinach teeth.
Because they have always had royalty. Its a Monarchy there, for owe a few hundred years or so now. What they change because we bully every one into democracy, I think not.
Dont forget the counrty is pretty much OWNED by the royal family
and prince harry had the nazi stuff, not cuz he a racists but becaue England aint america and you can do stuff like that without people gettin butt hurt, of course once the media got it…..every one got butt hurt
Besides, England honors its heritage
we just F%^%k it off
Because it’s tradition.
And we have politicans to do those things you accuse the Queen of doing. (And it was Prince Harry who wore the armband and it was a costume party, for crying out loud!)
aww your england need someone to kiss some one ‘s rear
we america don’t even have to bow to our own prez like you english get too
nope not this one that is sneaky and the prime suspect in the cause of princess Diana’s death (Elizabeth supposebly hated her goodness).
The crown is a symbol for us. It still needs to be represented by a real person and family so that we do not lose our humanity.
In the U.S. courts they have replaced the crown with a term they call the commonwealth. This is not the commonwealth you refer to.
200 years is not enough time to see if the American experiment continues to work in good times and bad.
There have been many times in the past 100 years when the British Crown has seen the necessity of exercising it’s right to maintain a stable government
A recent example of this was in Fiji a few years ago when their governor general had to interfere to bring order out of chaos.
They just do.
the queen is like a safety valve,if something goes wrong then she can sort of step in,as it happened in australia in 1975 when whitlam sent this country nearly to third world status and the governor general stepped in and saved our asses from these over zealous polotitions ,unlike republics who do not have that security ,you just have to toe the line with them,just remember there are lots of countries around the world that would love to have our system,and the amount of money she is paid is miniscual compered to the amount she brings in as the tourism $.whichever commonwealth country she may be visiting their tourism goes up ,remember you could have a president that could be like ,mugabe,or any one of those despots that are in power in republics,,,god save the queen.
In the Commonwealth of Nations, she meets with Heads of Government that are members in the Commonwealth. In this meeting they discuss trade , investment, and development between themselves and in there respected countries. As well as, play a responsible part alongside other nations in aiding the democratization and progress of the developing world. As Queen of UK and 15 other countries she develops friend relations with other countries, because she may or may not share the views of the government she represents in foreign countries. As in the case of the Middle Eastern and North African monarch, without her friendship with these monarchs there would have not been any allies in that area that would have support the US and Western nations war on terrorism. In respects to her part in government in these countries, if two parties of any Parliament is in deadlock she has the power to dissolve that Parliament but in other countries it is done by a Governor-general. There was a case in the Australia Parliamentin the late 1970s were it was dead locked and the Governor-general of Australia dissovled Parliament, but he made two fatal mistakes for one his time as Governor-general was over. Two he had to call the queen to inform her of his actions and to discuss with the queen, should he do this with the Prime minister present.
I’m American, so I can’t really imagine what it would be like to have a queen or king. However, I once heard Simon Cowell say that he liked having the royal family, because they were a real-life soap opera. I admit that for many years I’ve been fascinated with the British royal family, and I have fond memories of watching the weddings of Charles and Diana and Andrew and Fergie when I was a kid. However, it does seem rather wrong for a bunch of people to live in the lap of luxury at the taxpayers’ expense and not do anything to deserve it other than be born into it.
Because the Brits are the dumbest fucks in the world… tradition is a good excuse for not being able to think… shit, they cant even figure out plumbing, air conditioning… and they cant cook for shit either…and their favorite dessert is called "spotted dick"… maybe the queen gave Prince Phillip a venereal disease?? Hahahah
so that no amount of voting will bring the Lamb (who was SLAIN but who is the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS) to the throne.
its an image thing basically.its like a symbol of what their country use to be.