Where can I exchange Canadian coins in the Seattle area? Tried the airport but they only exchange paper money.
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Yes because coins have the same value. God I get people like you at the hotel I work at all the time. You have to explain it to them like 5 times and they still don’t get it.
Vancouver? a Bank?
most large bank chains will
It is next to impossible to exchange foreign coins anywhere. They are too hard to handle.
You may be able to use the pennies and even nickles but anything else you will have to put into a jar and wait for your next trip to Canada. Coin currency is only useable in the country that issued it. Best to spend all you can before leaving a country and just exchange the paper when you get home. If you have a lot of coin, come on back up and visit us soon.
EDIT: Try calling this number during business hours and asking them:
(206) 443-1777
It’s the local Canadian consulate assist line. They might know.
I don’t think you want to hear my answer although I REALLY sympathize! It’s hard to do actually. What is your situation? You cannot drive to, say, Surrey? Is it so very much that it is worth it to you, e.g. do you have $300 in Canadian coins or - ?
WHERE did you try at SeaTac? Have you called Coinstar and asked if they have any special crossover machines? They might.
Also, if you seea live person at a currency exchange and you have other bill money to do, sometimes they will take the coins.
A couple of times coming back from Vancouver they did that for me.
Otherwise I agree with the other people that previously answered the same or similar question, e.g. give it to charity.
p.s. Have you tried asking a pilot? Or a drug dealer might take them, seriously. Also, possibly a card player, a car dealer, or a Canadian bank i.e. people that go to Canada lot.
Good luck!
I live on the border of Canada here in Michigan and the banks usually only exchange coinage if you have a certain amount. Usually what we end up doing is rolling them up with American coins in the wrappers and take those to the bank! I’m serious! The vending machines do not take the anymore. The only other thing to do is give them to the waitressess and waiters as tips and let them worry about it.
try checking your yahoo yellow for your area and type in Canadian banking, or money exchange to see what comes up.
There’s a sucker born every minute.
When you return from your trip to Canada, separate out the Canadian Coins and put them in an empty Jar or Box. Put the Jar or Box in your safe.
On your next trip to Canada, go get the coins and take them back to Canada and spend them.