Alot of canadian coins, where are the pesos???
I always hear of people complaining (mainly the media) about illegal aliens always coming from the south. The president even admitted that he is more worried about the southern borders because of the excessive breach. However, I almost never hear about the canadians crossing.
It is also a fact that the mexican race in the US is over twice the population of the canadians.
Now, if you have a jar full of 250 coins, the chances of randomly pulling out a canadian coin is 1/20.
Why do we never see pesos, yet we always see canadian cash?
It drives me nuts that I have no where to put all of these devalued coins, and I never seen a peso in my life! Thank-you, all input.
Incoming Searches:
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In the same manner I can ask - where can I dump all the stupid american nickels and dimes I see in my change. They are worthless here in Canada.
for the most part, the Canadians that cross the border do so to work, and they have money. It is the poor coming from the southern border, they don’t have money to put into the system.
The US dollar has been devalued not the Canadian Currency and the old pesos were made of silver. Silver is trading @ 17 dollars per ounce. A one ounce peso will fetch you fifteen to sixteen USD if you bring it to a collector. Canadians have a great Country and they have no desire to become part of the USA, didn’t the war of 1812 teach you anything? Monroe thought that by attacking the British the Canadians would welcome his forces with open arms and join the U.S. to kick the Brits out of North America. The Canadians responded by marching into Washington D.C. and burning the White House to the ground. Enough history lessons, I’m sure that you are a law abiding patriotic young man who loves his country. Did you register for selective service yet? In case you forgot here is the link
You wouldn’t want to do anything illegal like failing to register, would you?
What do you mean devalued? Check the global exchange rates, that Canadian coin is worth slightly more than the American coin is now. So you might want to stash it away, if the US doesn’t dig itself out of this recession its value will continue to climb.
The previous poster is correct, most Mexicans that sneak across the border come here with nothing. There are not very many true Mexican "tourisis" that come up here legally for a vacation with the intention of actually leaving
Also keep in mind that 90% of Mexico (at least the parts that are even remotely safe for Americans to be in) accept, and in many cases, prefer US Dollars over Pesos. So in America there is really no incentive for people to change US Dollars for Pesos before they travel to Mexico.
On the other hand, although most places in Canada will accept US Dollars, they will give you a rediculous exchange rate. Consequently. most Americans go to a bank in the US and buy some Canadian cash before they travel to Canada. The same holds true for Canadians coming South, they buy some US cash at their local banks in Canada so they can get a proper exchange rate on their money. Banks will not exchange foreign money at the coin level though, so Canadians always come here (and Americans always go North) with coins in their pockets, so they inadvertently get mixed with the coins they get when they shop in the foreign country, and eventually, spent at a local retailer at some point. It is an easy mistake to make. At first glance Canadian coins are remarkably similar in size and weight to US coins, until you actually look at the engravings and see the Queen instead of a dead President
I don’t understand why North America doesn’t just adopt a standard currency like the Euro. Since the Canadian and US dollar are almost identical in value now, and the coins almost look the same, it only makes sense. But I guess that all depends on how the election goes and how bad Obama/Hillary want to see their economy continue to suffer on a global scale.
I share your pain. I have all these devalued US coins and I don’t know what to do with them other than save them up to spend should I ever travel to the US again.
Because it would take a wheelbarrow full of them to pay for anything……..They are worthless…..They take US currency back with them and spend it in there country