Tricky Math Question!! HELP!?
Steven has 9 cold coins that are identical that are identical in appearance. However, one is counterfeit and weighs slightly less than the others. Using a balance scale, how can he find the counterfeit coin in just two wieghings?
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First take three on both ends.
>>If neither is lower, take 2 from the ones you didn’t try out.
>>>>If neither is lower, the one you never put on scale is the counterfit
>>>>If one of them IS lower, it’s the counterfit
>>If either ends sink lower the first time, take 2 of the 3 coins on that end of the scale, and compare them with each other
>>>>If they are balanced, the counterfit is the one of those 3 you didn’t weight the second time
>>>>If they are not balanced it’s the one that’s lower.
Hard to explain, hope you understood.
split the coins up into 3 groups of 3 and mark them A, B, C. measure groups A and B first. If one is lighter than the other (group A is lighter than B), set it aside. This group has the counterfeit coin.
If they are equal, set group C aside. it has the counterfeit coin. Whichever group you set aside is now called group X, the counterfeit coin group. Out of group X, put 2 coins on the scale. If they are the same, the one not weighed is the counterfeit. if they are different, the lesser is the counterfeit.
put 3 on one side and 3 on the other (3 are not on the scale)
if they weigh the same, then the 6 that were on the scale were not counterfeit.
take the 3 that are not on the scale and place 1 on either side and leave 1 off.
if those 2 weigh the same, the 1 that has not been weighed is counterfeit.
if those 2 do not weigh the same, the 1 that weighs less is counterfeit.
if the original 2 groups of 3 do not weigh the same, take the group of 3 that weighs less and place 1 coin on either side and leave 1 off.
if those 2 weigh the same, the 1 that is not on the scale is counterfeit.
if those 2 do not weigh the same, the 1 that weighs less is counterfeit.